Algebraic topology
- Pure Mathematics Topic D: Algebraic Topology Notes (2019)
- Computational Algebraic Topology course
- Algebraic Topology arXiv Papers (Twitter Bot)
- Inna Zakharevich - Focuses on algebraic topology, with a focus on developing a theory of scissors congruence as K-theory.
- Interview with Inna Zakharevich (2021)
- Algebraic K-theory, combinatorial K-theory and geometry - Inna Zakharevich (2018)
- You Could Have Invented Homology (2021)
- Computational Algebraic Topology Lecture Notes
- Proof that every polynomial of odd degree over the real numbers has a real root
- MA 332: Algebraic Topology (2022) (Code)
- A Basic Course in Algebraic Topology (1991) (Solutions)
- Sheaves are the canonical data structure for sensor integration (2016)
- Algebraic Topology for Data Scientists (2023) (HN)