- gatsby-postgres-graphql - Boilerplate to get started with Gatsby, Hasura GraphQL engine as CMS and postgres as database using the awesome plugin gatsby-source-graphql.
- GraphQL ReasonML React Apollo Tutorial
- Awesome Hasura
- Building a high performance realtime GraphQL API on existing databases (2019)
- Introducing Actions: Custom GraphQL mutations driven by eventing (2019)
- HN: Hasura (2020)
- Founder of Hasura teaching me about Hasura (2020)
- Securing your Hasura graphQL endpoint (2020)
- Hasura Authorization (2020)
- Hasura Actions in Action - Tanmai Gopal (2020)
- Moving From Django to Hasura and Next.js
- Realworld Hasura - Realworld inspired blogging platform (Remake of Conduit) using Hasura + Kotlin + Elm.
- Rust + Hasura - Example of a Rust server that functions as a remote schema for Hasura.
- Hasura Data Dictionary - Understand your data graph - which includes your database relationships, and GraphQL schemas. (Introduction)
- Hasura + NextJS + Apollo + JWT - Starter template for a React app with a database + permissions ( JWT).
- Building REST from GraphQL - an story of engineering in Haskell (2021)
- Hasura GraphQL Engine & SQL Server (HN)
- Top PostgreSQL Flavors and Extensions that work with Hasura (2021)
- Hasura Super App - Full featured reference application demonstrating many of the powerful features of Hasura's GraphQL Engine.
- Building an offline first web app with RxDB & Hasura (2020)
- Hasura Auth - Users are stored in Postgres and accessed via GraphQL.
- QikTrak - Zero touch solution to automatically configure database tracking in Hasura GraphQL.
- ra-data-hasura - GraphQL data provider for react-admin tailored to target Hasura GraphQL endpoints.
- Hasura Storage - Storage for Hasura built on top of S3.
- Streaming data in Postgres to 1M clients with GraphQL (HN)
- Hasura + Express Server
- SQLite Data Connector Agent for Hasura GQL Engine
- Hasura Discord