- Fractals are shapes with a non-integer dimension.
- Fractal charm: Space filling curves
- How to Fold a Julia Fractal
- My journey into fractals
- Marble Marcher - Video game demo that uses a fractal physics engine and fully procedural rendering to produce beautiful and unique gameplay unlike anything you've seen before. (Video)
- Fractals and Monads
- Generating the Mandelbrot Set
- Recursion and Fractals
- Fractals in Python
- Chaos - Visualizations connecting chaos theory, fractals, and the logistic map.
- Single div Sierpinski triangle (2020) (HN)
- Constructing the Sierpinski triangle (Lobsters)
- Chaos Game - Method of creating a fractal, using a polygon and an initial point selected at random inside. (Code)
- Chaos Game - Numberphile
- Strange Attractors - Implementation of Numberphile’s ideas from their Chaos Game Video.
- The Mandelbrot Set in HTML5 canvas and JS (Code)
- Playing with Chaos - Programming fractals and strange attractors in JS.
- Crossing Two Fractals (HN)
- Fractus - Elegant Fractal Explorer web application written in C++ (WebAssembly) and JavaScript. (Code)
- ASCII Mandelbrot Set
- Hexagonal Julia- Mandelbrot (Twitter)
- Understanding the Mandelbrot Fractal (2018)
- Drawing the Sierpiński Triangle with Recursive SQL and SVG (2020)
- Introduction to Newton Fractals (2016)
- L-System - Simple L-Systems explorer powered by WebGL. (Code)
- L-System manual
- Drawing Fractals with PureScript (2020)
- Classic Mandelbrot set fractal is generated by the iteration z → z² + c
- Kleinian fractals
- Clam - High-quality fractal viewer.
- Buddhabrot - Render a Buddhabrot fractal (an algorithm invented by Melinda Green).
- Buddhabrot fractal method
- Buddhabrot Explained
- The Computational Beauty of Nature (2020) - Computer Explorations of Fractals, Chaos, Complex Systems, and Adaptation.
- A Massive Fractal in Days, Not Years (2020) (HN)
- State of my brain
- The Fractal Project - Trying to understand what makes an image visually appealing by analyzing feedback on our randomly generated fractal art.
- DeepBlue - Basic web app to make high quality renderings of the Mandelbrot Set written in Haskell.
- 3D Julia Sets
- Xmountains - Fractal terrain generator. (About)
- FractalView - 3D fractal renderer in GLSL.
- Fractal Explorer - Calculates Mandelbrot and Julia Set images using Rust/WASM.
- Pixel Play - Like Google Maps for fractals.
- Render Fractals in Go Without External Packages (Reddit)
- An almost one-liner to construct the Mandelbrot set with Mathematica (2020)
- 3D Mandelbrot Fractal Zoom (2020)
- Rust-Mandelbrot - Simple Mandelbrot fractal generator written in Rust.
- Fractal Garden - Explore 3D fractals in real time in your web browser. (Code)
- Fractal Sound Explorer - Explore fractals in an audio-visual sandbox.
- Sounds of the Mandelbrot Set (2021)
- Cute fractal
- Using Genetic Algorithm to Create Fractals (HN)
- The Double Pendulum Fractal (2021)
- rust-fractal-core - Mandelbrot fractal visualizer featuring perturbation based iteration methods, series approximation and multithreading.
- rust-fractal-gui - GUI for rust-fractal-core, a mandelbrot fractal visualizer.
- A Closer Look at Fractals (2013)
- Visualize 3D hyperbolic honeycombs and sphere packings
- Fractal Renderer in Swift
- A stochastic method to generate the Sierpinski triangle (HN)
- Extremely-detailed 2d fractals, continued (2021)
- A Well Trodden Path (2019)
- VFX Fractal Toolkit - Set of tools for generating fractal and generative art.
- The Mandelbrot Set (2022)
- Newton's fractal - Drawing Newton's fractal using js, wasm, SIMD commands, threads and GPU.
- SwiftUI Fractals - Sierpinski carpet, triangle, and a fractal tree using SwiftUI.
- 3D fractal explorer
- Fractal Garden - Exhibition of Mathematical Beauty. (HN) (Code)
- Crouching Trig, Hidden Fractal
- Vintage-Style Map of the Mandelbrot Set (2022) (HN)
- How do I calculate how fractal like an image is?
- LabLab - Fractals in fractals in fractals.
- Learning Fractals by Gradient Descent (2023)
- Neurite - Fractal mind-mapping tool with ai-integration.
- Fast mandelbrot set renderer using goroutines
- Fractal Software for Fractal Futures
- Symmetry in Chaos, Symmetric Chaos, Symmetric icons (2023) (HN)