Ruby libraries
- TTY - Toolkit for developing sleek command line apps.
- TTY::Prompt - Beautiful and powerful interactive command line prompt.
- TTY::Command - Execute shell commands with pretty output logging and capture stdout, stderr and exit status. (Web)
- CommandLine - Easier way to run command line applications and get all of the output.
- Sequel - Database Toolkit for Ruby. (Web)
- BatchLoader - Powerful tool for avoiding N+1 DB or HTTP queries.
- GitHub::DS - Collection of Ruby libraries for working with SQL on top of ActiveRecord's connection.
- Extralite - Fast Ruby gem for working with SQLite3 databases. (Article)
- MiniSql - Minimal, fast, safe SQL executor.
- pg_query - Ruby extension to parse, deparse and normalize SQL queries using the PostgreSQL query parser. (pg_query 2.0)
- Ruby Interface for SQLite3
- Falcon - High-performance web server for Ruby, supporting HTTP/1, HTTP/2 and TLS.
- Qeweney - Cross-library feature rich HTTP request / response API. (Article)
- Vite Ruby - Vite.js in Ruby, bringing joy to your JavaScript experience. (Web)
- Rodauth - Ruby's Most Advanced Authentication Framework.
- Apia - API framework for building a self-documenting HTTP API in any Ruby application (including Rails).
- Secure Headers - Manages application of security headers with many safe defaults.
- Rack - Modular Ruby web server interface.
- Phlex - Framework for building object-oriented views in Ruby. (Web) (Lobsters)
- Hanami - Web, with simplicity. (2.0) (HN) (My first Hanami app)
- Rux - JSX-inspired way to render view components in Ruby. (HN)
- lunchy - Friendly wrapper for launchctl.
- Impersonator - Ruby library to record and replay object interactions.
- GraphQL Ruby - Ruby implementation of GraphQL.
- entitlements-app - Ruby Gem that Powers Entitlements - GitHub's Identity and Access Management System.
- ruby-macho - Ruby library for examining and modifying Mach-O files.
- Shoryuken - Super-efficient Amazon SQS thread-based message processor.
- Tapioca - Generate RBI files for your project's gem dependencies.
- CarrierWave - Classier solution for file uploads for Rails, Sinatra and other Ruby web frameworks.
- HexaPDF - Versatile PDF creation and manipulation for Ruby.
- Scientist - Ruby library for carefully refactoring critical paths.
- Whenever - Ruby gem that provides a clear syntax for writing and deploying cron jobs.
- Flipper - Beautiful, performant feature flags for Ruby.
- debug.rb - Debugging functionality for Ruby. (Article)
- Async - Composable asynchronous I/O framework for Ruby based on nio4r and timers.
- MemoWise - Wise choice for Ruby memoization.
- Zhong - Useful, reliable distributed cron. Uses Redis to acquire exclusive locks on jobs, as well as recording when they last ran.
- unparser - Turn Ruby AST into semantically equivalent Ruby source.
- Sidekiq - Simple, efficient background processing for Ruby. (Web) (Happy 10th Birthday, Sidekiq) (HN)
- Polyphony - Fine-Grained Concurrency for Ruby. (Signal handling in concurrent apps with Ruby and Polyphony)
- ValueSemantics - Gem for making value classes, with lightweight validation and coercion.
- Liquid::C - Liquid performance extension in C. (Article)
- Ruby Facets - Collection of general purpose method extensions and standard additions for the Ruby programming language.
- Orchestra - Seamlessly chain multiple command or query objects together with a simple, lightweight framework.
- Treetop - Ruby-based parsing DSL based on parsing expression grammars.
- attr-gather - Provides a process to fetch information from many data sources in a fully parallelized fashion.
- Kiba ETL - Data processing & ETL framework for Ruby.
- algorithms - Ruby algorithms and data structures. C extensions.
- Numo::NArray - Numerical N-dimensional Array class for fast processing and easy manipulation of multi-dimensional numerical data, similar to numpy.ndaray.
- sidekiq-scheduler - Lightweight job scheduler extension for Sidekiq.
- Actor - Composable Ruby service objects.
- Alba - Fastest JSON serializer for Ruby.
- Shale - Ruby object mapper and serializer for JSON, YAML and XML. (HN)
- dry-effects - Algebraic effects in Ruby.
- Casting - Delegate methods in Ruby and preserve self. Add behaviors to your objects without altering their superclass hierarchy.
- promise.rb - Ruby implementation of the Promises/A+ spec.
- Cutoff - Deadlines for Ruby.
- Que - Ruby job queue that uses PostgreSQL's advisory locks for speed and reliability.
- Transactable - DSL for transactional workflows built atop function composition.
- dry-schema - Coercion and validation for data structures.
- oj - Fast JSON parser and Object marshaller as a Ruby gem.
- iCalendar - Internet calendaring, Ruby style.
- Polars Ruby - Blazingly fast DataFrames for Ruby.
- Sucker Punch - Single-process Ruby asynchronous processing library.
- Zeitwerk - Efficient and thread-safe code loader for Ruby.
- Celluloid - Actor-based concurrent object framework for Ruby.
- Goru - Concurrent routines for Ruby.
- RubyGems - Library packaging and distribution for Ruby. (Code)
- dry-rb - Collection of next-generation Ruby libraries. (Exploring dry-rb - Intuition of Results)
- Anyway Config - Configuration library for Ruby gems and applications.
- Debugging Ruby Libraries (2021)
- Writing Ruby gem native extensions in Rust (2022)
- Writing a Rust gem from scratch (2022)
- Thermite - Rake-based helper for building and distributing Rust-based Ruby extensions.
- Modulation - Explicit Dependency Management for Ruby.
- Magnus - Ruby bindings for Rust. Write Ruby extension gems in Rust, or call Ruby code from a Rust binary. (Reddit)
- Steep - Gradual Typing for Ruby.
- dry-rb - Collection of next-generation Ruby libraries. (GitHub)
- rbx - Framework for developing safe Ruby extensions in Rust.
- sorbet-typed - Central repository for sharing type definitions for Ruby gems.
- Serverless Rack - Serverless plugin to deploy Ruby Rack applications (Sinatra/Rails/Padrino/Cuba etc.) and bundle gems.
- What Would be Your Ideal Ruby Tech Stack (2022)
- Gel - Modern gem manager.
- Making popular Ruby packages more secure (2022) (HN)
- Hiddengems - Better search and ranking for ruby gems.
- Gemdex - Ruby gem explorer. (Reddit)
- Ruby Delights Built Into The Language (2022) (HN)
- I wrote a Ruby extension in Zig (2022) (HN)
- Zig Ruby - Build Ruby extension with Zig.
- Logging in Ruby: (Almost) Everything You Need to Know (2023)
- What if service objects were just Procs? (2023) (Lobsters)