Nostr is good read.
Farcaster seems like nice alternative.
- Nostr Code
- Nostr Implementation Possibilities
- Nostr Tools - Tools for developing Nostr clients.
- Easy Nostr - Nostr interface for building clients that abstracts all the complexity.
- nostream - Nostr Relay written in TypeScript.
- Damus - iOS nostr client.
- Rana - Public keys that can be used with nostr.
- Mostro - Lightning Network peer-to-peer nostr platform.
- Nostr Deno Client Library
- Nostros - NOSTR mobile client.
- FROSTR - Use frost to sign nostr events with friends.
- Nostr Relay Registry - Dynamic registry of nostr relays.
- Nostr - Decentralized Social Media & Bitcoin w/ William Casarin (2023)
- Nostrex - Nostr relay written in Elixir.
- Forward-only Nostr relay
- Nvote - Decentralized, vote-driven community similar to services like Reddit and HackerNews powered by Nostr.
- strfry - Nostr relay.
- nostcat - WebSocket client for nostr relay scripting.
- nostreq - Nostr relay event request generator.
- Lobsters: Nostr
- HN: Nostr
- Nostr Intro (HN)
- Lobsters: Nostr
- Awesome Nostr (HN)
- HN: Nostr
- - Nostr interface. (Code)
- Nostr Connect SDK for TypeScript
- noscl - Command line client for Nostr.
- Nostr Directory - Find people you know from other social media sites on nostr. (Code)
- Nostr Key Converter - Convert nostr keys and note-ids between hex and bech32.
- Go Nostr - Nostr library for Go.
- - Complete guide to Nostr. (Code) (HN)
- Python Nostr
- nostr-watch - Nostr registry and monitor web-client.
- Hastr - Haskell Nostr Implementation.
- Decentralized blogs over relay using Nostr w/ ⚡ lightning tips
- Nostr Rust - Nostr protocol implementation, SDK and FFI.
- blastr - Nostr cloudflare workers proxy relay that publishes to all known online relays.
- Keystr - Application for managing Nostr keys.
- Spamster - Spam bot for Nostr protocol.
- Nostr Proxy - Push and get events to your Proxy, get results from multiple Nostr relays.
- Nostr Stuff - Web app that can do things such as query info about nostr relays. (Code)
- Lume - Ambitious Nostr client.
- rsslay - Nostr relay that creates profiles from RSS or Atom feeds and emits items as Nostr events.
- Nosli - Helps you create a curated list of posts on nostr.
- NostrGit - Truly censorship-resistant alternative to GitHub.
- Nostr-tool - Simple CLI to send nostr events.
- nostr-rs-relay - Nostr relay, written in Rust.
- nostr-cnp-girl - Bot that runs on Nostr and distributes login bonuses.
- coinstr - Using nostr to coordinate transaction signing for tapscript/miniscript spending policies.
- Gossip - Desktop client for nostr.
- rx-nostr - Library based on RxJS, which allows Nostr applications to easily communicate with relays.
- Rnostr - High-performance and scalable nostr relay written in Rust.
- nostrdb - Fast nostr database backed by lmdb.