Apollo GraphQL
OSS Apollo apps
- Tiny Counter - Collaborative counter web app to keep track of multiple values.
- Apollo raises $22 million to simplify app development (2019) (HN)
- Principled GraphQL
- Apollo CLI - Tooling for development and production Apollo workflows.
- Apollo Federation (2019) - Revolutionary architecture for building a distributed graph.
- apollo-cache-persist - Simple persistence for all Apollo Cache implementations.
- Hermes - Cache For Apollo Client.
- Apollo Client 3 State Management Examples
- workers-graphql-server - Lightning-fast, globally distributed Apollo GraphQL server, deployed at the edge using Cloudflare Workers.
- Announcing the Release of Apollo Client 3.0 (2020)
- Apollo platform tutorial app (Code) (Code 2)
- Apollo Studio: A GraphQL IDE for every environment (2020)
- Using Apollo Federation with local schemas
- Apollo Client – Demystifying Cache Normalization (2020) (HN)
- Auto generate Apollo code for Next.js SSR
- Apollo Prophecy - Command tool to generate errors files for your Appolo Server and Client.
- Apollo Invalidation Policies - Extension of the Apollo 3 cache with support for type-based invalidation policies.
- Apollo Studio - Cloud platform that helps you build, validate, and secure your organization's data graph. (Issues)
- apollo-augmented-hooks - Drop-in replacements for @apollo/client's useQuery, useMutation and useSubscription hooks with reduced overhead and additional functionality.
- Server-Side Caching with Apollo GraphQL (2021)
- apollo-rs - Spec compliant GraphQL Tools in Rust. (Tweet)
- SQLDataSource - SQL DataSource for Apollo GraphQL projects.
- Apollo Router - Configurable, high-performance graph router for a federated graph. (Article)
- Laika - Log, test, intercept and modify Apollo Client's operations. (Web)
- Learn GraphQL with Apollo - Level up with these practical, hands-on trainings.
- Understanding Caching in Apollo Client 3 (2021)
- Jotai Apollo - Apollo graphql client integration for jotai.
- Absinthe and Apollo Sockets - Use the Apollo Websocket protocol to drive Absinthe GraphQL functionality.
- Tutorial for HowToGraphQL with Typescript, Apollo-Server, Nexus and Prisma
- apollo-upload-client - Terminating Apollo Link for Apollo Client that fetches a GraphQL multipart request.
- Apollo HTTP Data Source - Optimized JSON HTTP Data Source for Apollo Server.
- Svelte Apollo - Svelte integration for Apollo GraphQL.
- The story behind Apollo Kotlin 3 codegen (2022)
- Notes and guides on using Apollo client's APIs
- federation-rs - Responsible for all of the deno-powered TypeScript <--> Rust interop.
- Apollo Client Browser Devtools
- Apollo GraphQL x Next x Tailwind template
- Python Bindings for Apollo-RS
- Nau - Tool that makes Apollo Client more productive for users using Relay GraphQL Server Specification compliant backends.
- Fixing a 3 second lockup in our app by switching from Apollo Client to URQL (2023)