React Native
Currently looking into using Capacitor for mobile apps so I can reuse my Solid code for apps I am building.
React Native is neat though. Expo has great features.
React Native Quick SQLite is slick too. Stacks is useful for layouts. React Native Url Router is neat router. React Native Developer Tools is useful.
Ignite, Solito, zART-Stack & React Native template with goodies seem like nice starters.
Tamagui is interesting for styling.
NativeScript is interesting alternative.
RN Optimization Guide is good read.
Nice OSS RN apps
- Super App Showcase - Template for super app development with React Native and Re.Pack.
- React Native Replicache - Plug-in React Native compatibility bindings for Replicache.
- Create T4 App - Type-Safe, Full-Stack Starter Kit for React Native + Web.
- Create T3 Turbo - T3 Stack with Expo React Native.
- RNN Starter - Powered by cli-rn, React Native Navigation, Expo Modules, RNN Screens, RN UI lib, MMKV, Mobx, Reanimated 2, Dark Mode, Localization, Notifications, Permissions, and much more.
- Rainbow - Pocket robot for your internet money, powered by Ethereum.
- SimpleShop - Tiny app to manage inventory and keep track of orders and profits.
- Colorwaver - App to detect colorwaves (swatches/palettes) in the real world - powered by VisionCamera and Reanimated.
- Spotify Lite - Made with React Native for iOS and Android.
- Messages Clone - iOS Messages app clone I created in React Native.
- React Native WYSIWYG - React Native markdown editor.
- Blank Solito Example Monorepo
- Billy - Bill Tracker App, made with React Native + Typescript.
- Starter shell for React Native project with Detox tests running on Github Actions
- React Native Template TypeScript with Goodies
- React Native Template Strong - Quick, opinionated, documented and strong beginning for your next project.
- React Native with Storybook template
- Smoothly Animated ToDo App built with React Native
- Rive Animated App - React Native animated app with reanimated + expo and Rive an amazing tool for interactive icons and shapes animation.
- RN Transitions - React Native animated app with reanimated + expo.
- Blank Solito Example Monorepo
- Apple Card with moving gradients (Tweet)
- Elastic Scroll
- Sensor Rotation
- Animated Cards
- React Native animated app with reanimated + expo
- Choosy - Mobile application that allows users to create photo polls that others can vote on.
- Inkdrop mobile inspired by Gmail
- Audiobook App - Audiobook mobile application accomplished with React Native.
- Never use the <Text> component directly. Instead, create your own abstraction so you don't repeat yourself with font name, font size or colors each time and it's easier to change properties at any point.
- React Native DOM
- Create React Native App
- Expo - Free and open source toolchain built around React Native to help you build native iOS and Android projects using JavaScript and React.
- Emission - React Native Components.
- Detox - Gray Box End-to-End Testing and Automation Framework for Mobile Apps.
- Awesome React Native Components
- Declarative future of gestures and animations in React Native - Krzysztof Magiera (2018)
- Simple physics with Reanimated — Part 1
- Why Discord is Sticking with React Native (2018)
- React Native Web - Makes it possible to run React Native components and APIs on the web using React DOM. (How to combine React Native Web + responsivity + NextJS SSR, to get SEO)
- CodePush - Cloud service that enables Cordova and React Native developers to deploy mobile app updates directly to their users’ devices.
- React Native CLI - Command Line Interface for React Native.
- Hermes JS Engine - Small and lightweight JavaScript engine optimized for running React Native on Android.
- Upgrade Helper - Web interface to support React Native developers in upgrading their apps.
- react-native-tscodegen - Generate react-native turbo modules using TypeScript.
- Re.pack - Webpack-based toolkit to build your React Native application with full support of Webpack ecosystem.
- Haul - Drop-in replacement for react-native CLI built on open tools like Webpack.
- zacs - Zero Abstraction Cost Styling (for React DOM & React Native)
- How Discord achieves native iOS performance with React Native (2019) (HN)
- Kadi Kraman - Security And Authentication In React Native (2019)
- Kitten Tricks - Starter kit with over 40 screens and modern Light and Dark theme for creating stunning cross-platform mobile applications.
- Nars - Server rendered React Native.
- react-native-dark-mode - Detect dark mode in React Native.
- React Native Tab View - Cross-platform Tab View component for React Native.
- React Native — Monorepos & Code Sharing (2020)
- Awesome React Native: Native Modules
- React Native Now - Bi-weekly React Native newsletter.
- Gifted Chat - Most complete chat UI for React Native & Web.
- RecyclerListView - High performance listview for React Native and web.
- React Native command line tools
- React Native Confetti - React Native component to show confetti.
- React Native Debugger - Standalone app for debugging React Native apps.
- React Navigation - Routing and navigation for your React Native apps.
- Alexey Kureev - React Native CodeGen (2019)
- Expo - Open-source platform for making universal native apps that run on Android, iOS, and the web.
- Expo CLI - Tools for making Expo apps.
- React Native Paper - Material Design for React Native (Android & iOS).
- Start React Native - Learn to leverage the power of declarative gestures and animations to build delightful user experiences that run at 60 fps even on low-grade Android devices.
- Projects from the “Can it be done in React Native?” YouTube series
- Awesome React Native (Code)
- Deep Linking in React Native (2020)
- Reanimated Bottom Sheet - Highly configurable bottom sheet component made with react-native-reanimated and react-native-gesture-handler.
- React Native JSI Example (2020)
- What are the disadvantages of the Expo? (2020)
- React Native Express - Learn React Native, the cross-platform app framework. (Code)
- React Native V8 JSI adapter
- React Native: Discussions and Proposals
- React Native Test App - Provides test apps for all platforms as a package.
- React Native Meets SwiftUI (2020) - Write a proxy that allows you to use SwiftUI in React Native apps. (Code)
- react-native-neomorph-shadows - Neomorphism UI shadows for iOS & Android, include SVG inner/outer shadow component powered with react-native-svg.
- Ignite CLI - Hottest CLI for React Native, boilerplates, plugins, generators, and more.
- UI Kitten - React Native UI Library based on Eva Design System.
- rn-placeholder - Display some placeholder stuff before rendering your text or media content in React Native.
- Bridging in React Native (2015) - An in-depth look into React Native's core.
- Installing React Native on macOS course
- React Native Blur component
- redash - Utility library for React Native Gesture Handler and Reanimated.
- What I've learned creating a React Native performance monitor (2020)
- Hacks for creating production level apps with React Native (2018)
- React Native Fit Image - Responsive image component to fit perfectly itself.
- react-native-app-link - Easily link to other apps with React Native.
- @react-native-community/bob - Simple CLI to scaffold and build React Native libraries for different targets.
- saReact Native Notifications
- react-native-actions-sheet - Highly customizable cross platform ActionSheet for react native.
- FastImage - Performant React Native image component.
- RN Upgrade Support - Central community-backed place to request and give help when upgrading your app.
- Stacks - Build React Native views blazingly fast.
- How React Native development can save time (2020)
- Restyle - Type-enforced system for building UI components in React Native with TypeScript.
- Background Fetch - Periodic callbacks in the background for both iOS and Android.
- Redux Debugger Plugin for Flipper
- React Native Performance Monitor - Realtime graphing of React Native render performance.
- Shoutem UI - Customizable set of components for React Native applications.
- React Native, v2 course by Kadi Kraman (2020)
- Ultimate Guide to React Native Optimization Book
- Scroll Bottom Sheet - Cross platform scrollable bottom sheet with virtualisation support, native animations at 60 FPS and fully implemented in JS land.
- G2i - Hire pre-vetted React & React Native developers you can trust.
- What we have learned from developing a real RN app (2020)
- React Native iOS Kit - Missing React Native UI Kit for iOS.
- Animated TabBar - 60FPS animated tab bar with a variety of cool animation presets.
- React Native Directory - Searchable and filterable directory of React Native libraries. (Code)
- react-native-template - Echobind's template for React Native projects.
- React Native renderer based on Skia
- React Native Navigation Tutorial (2020)
- react-native-modal - Enhanced, animated and customizable react-native modal.
- RN Bottom Sheet - Performant interactive bottom sheet with fully configurable options.
- Speed up heavy React Native screens
- React Native Restyled - Utility-first Styling Library for React Native.
- SnackUI - Fast UI kit for React Native (+ web) with SwiftUI stacks.
- react-native-svg-app-icon - Generate all app icons for you React Native apps from a single SVG file.
- React Native Samples and Templates - Repository showcasing React Native samples and templates for Windows, macOS, and Surface Duo.
- Bonsai - Opinionated zero-config CLI for React Native.
- formidable-webview/webshell - Craft Robust React Native WebView-based components with ease.
- Magnus UI - Utility-First React Native UI Framework. (Web)
- react-native-testing - How to test your react-native components with Jest and React Native Testing Library.
- Moti - Universal React Native animation library, powered by Reanimated 2. (Docs)
- React Native ARIA - Helps you build accessible and rich Apps with React Native.
- MMKV - Extremely fast key/value storage library for React Native. ~30x faster than AsyncStorage.
- React Native Multithreading - Fast and easy multithreading for React Native using JSI.
- Setting up an Example App for Your React Native Library (2019) (Tweet)
- Why founders should NOT use React Native (2021)
- Stripe React Native SDK
- Coinbase's Transition to React Native (2021) (HN)
- React Native Jigsaw - Draftbit's component library used inside our Builder.
- React Native Performance tooling - Toolchain to measure and monitor the performance of your React Native app in development, pipeline and in production.
- Getting Started with React Native JSI Modules (2021)
- React Native Search Component - Inspired by iOS UISearchBar with Dark Mode.
- React Native Elements - Cross Platform React Native UI Toolkit. (Code)
- Creating an accessible Accordion component in React Native
- Rapi UI - React native components library.
- React Native Quick SQLite - Fastest SQLite implementation for react-native.
- metro-minify-esbuild - Use ESBuild to make your React Native code bundle faster.
-'s HTML, which is produced by React Native for Web, explained (2021) (HN)
- rnx-kit - Tools which help developers build, deliver, and maintain React Native apps and libraries. (Docs)
- React Native Async Storage - Asynchronous, persistent, key-value storage system for React Native.
- Running React Native everywhere: The Webs (2021)
- react-native-react-bridge - Easy way to integrate your React (or Preact) app into React Native app with WebView.
- React Native Universal Monorepo
- Notifee Notifications - Feature rich notifications library for React Native.
- React Native: Beyond Basics - Intermediate React Native course by Kadi Kraman. (Code)
- Running React Native everywhere (2021)
- Tailwind React Native Classnames - Simple, expressive API for TailwindCSS + React Native, written in TypeScript.
- How To Create a Native Mobile App For Your Supabase Back-End (2021)
- Vision Camera - Camera library that sees the vision.
- react-native-pager-view - React Native wrapper for the Android ViewPager and iOS UIPageViewController.
- WebRTC module for React Native
- React Native Team AUA (2021) (Tweet)
- React Native Image Viewing - Tiny, purely TS, modal component for viewing images.
- React Native Navigation - Complete native navigation solution for React Native.
- Multistep form handling | React Native, TypeScript, XState and Formik (2020) (Code)
- React Native Testing Library - Simple and complete React Native testing utilities that encourage good testing practices.
- react-native-native-runtime - Access the native APIs directly from the React Native JS context.
- Toward Hermes being the Default (2021) (Tweet)
- React Native UI kit - Monorepo with UI components.
- react-native-share-menu - Module for React Native that adds your app to the share menu of the device.
- Spotify for React Native - React native module for the Spotify SDK. Works on both iOS and Android.
- intercom-react-native - React Native wrapper to bridge our iOS and Android SDK.
- react-native-context-menu-view - Use native context menus in React Native.
- React Native Bluetooth Low Energy
- React Native Performance Monitor Flipper plugin
- react-native-header - Header library for react-native. Uses power of reanimated2.
- react-native-ridge-navigation - Simple, performant & type-safe cross platform navigation in React Native / React Native Web.
- React Native Module Template - Starter for the React Native library written in TypeScript, with linked example project and optional native code in Swift and Kotlin.
- React Native Keyboard Accessory View - Keyboard accessory (sticky) view for your React Native app. Supports interactive dismiss on iOS.
- React Native WebView - Modern, Cross-Platform WebView for React Native.
- React Native Gesture Handler - Native-driven gesture management APIs for building best possible touch-based experiences in React Native. (Docs) (2.0 release)
- Ant Design Mobile RN - Configurable Mobile UI specification and React-based implementation. (Docs)
- Implementing RTK Query in a React Native App (2021)
- React Native Reanimated - Comprehensive, low level abstraction for the Animated library API. (3.0 release)
- Primer React Native SDK
- Build a News App with React Native, GraphQL and TypeScript (2021)
- Sticky Item - Interactive sticky item inspired by Facebook Stories.
- react-native-skia - High-performance React Native Graphics using Skia. (Docs)
- react-native-sfsymbols - SF Symbols in your iOS app.
- Fabric · React Native
- react-native-render-html - iOS/Android pure javascript react-native component that renders your HTML into 100% native views.
- react-native-animatable - Declarative transitions and animations for React Native.
- RNUI - UI Toolset & Components Library for React Native. (Docs)
- react-native-reanimated-carousel - Simple React Native carousel component,fully implemented using reanimated v2.
- The Matrix Reacts (2022)
- setup-tailwind-rn - Set up Tailwind CSS in React Native apps.
- react-native-progressive-fast-image - Customizable progressive image for React Native with FastImage.
- React Native TS Lib Starter
- react-native-owl - Visual regression testing for React Native.
- React Native iOS - iOS UI implementation in React Native with gestures and animations.
- Storybook for React Native
- React Native Rich Text Editor - Based on ZSSRichTextEditor.
- React Native Voice - React Native Voice Recognition library for iOS and Android (Online and Offline Support).
- React Native Colo Loco - Colocate your native modules and components with your JavaScript/JSX files.
- React Native Firebase - Well-tested feature-rich modular Firebase implementation for React Native.
- Ant Design Mobile - Essential UI blocks for building mobile web apps.
- react-native-wagmi-charts - Simple chart library for React Native.
- React Native URL Router
- vision-camera-ocr - VisionCamera Frame Processor Plugin to preform text detection on images using MLKit Vision Text Recognition.
- React Native New Architecture Working Group
- Opinionated React Native bootcamp (2022)
- Optimize your VS Code setup for React Native with Jamon and David (2022)
- React Native Health - Interact with Apple HealthKit.
- React Native Pan Pinch View - View component for React Native with pinch to zoom and drag to pan functionality.
- SWR + React Native - React Native/React Navigation compatibility for Vercel's useSWR hook.
- React Native Week Month Date Picker
- React Native SQLite3
- React Native Interactive Walkthrough
- Deep dive into React Native JSI (2022)
- React Native Toast Message - Animated toast message component for React Native.
- Solito - React Native + Next.js, unified. (Docs) (HN) (Tweet) (Example App Code) (Example Monorepo)
- An update on the New Architecture Rollout (2022)
- React Native Image Modal
- Avoid Keyboard in React Native Like a Pro (Tweet)
- React Native Link Preview - Fully customizable preview of the URL extracted from the provided text.
- React Native Media Console - React Native video component with controls. Built with TypeScript.
- RN Skia Sketch Canvas - React Native component for drawing using Skia renderer.
- Gleap ReactNative SDK
- React Native Stagger View - Type of layout that is used to display images and posts.
- React Native Screens - Native navigation primitives for your React Native app.
- React Native New Architecture Sample - Collection of sample React Native Apps that will show you how to use the New Architecture (Fabric & TurboModules) step-by-step.
- React Native Awesome Video Player - React native video control component, built upon Reanimted v2 & react-native-gesture-handle.
- React Native OneSignal SDK - Free email, sms, push notification, and in-app message service for mobile apps. (Expo Plugin)
- React Native New Architecture Library Samples - Collection of sample React Native Libraries that will show you how to use the New Architecture (Fabric & TurboModules) step-by-step.
- Electrode Native - Platform to ease integration&delivery of React Native apps in existing mobile applications.
- React Native Push Notification API for iOS
- TailwindCSS React Native
- React Native Awesome Gallery - Performant, native-like, and well-customizable gallery for React Native.
- React Native BigNumber - Fastest Big Number library for React Native.
- React Native Vector Image - iOS/Android native vector assets generated from SVG.
- React Native TableView List - SectionList-like component backed by a UITableView (iOS only).
- React Native Material You - Material You native module for React Native.
- React Native Image Header Scroll View - ScrollView with an image in header which becomes a navbar.
- React Native Safe Area Context - Flexible way to handle safe area insets in JS.
- React Native Hold Menu - Performant, easy to use hold to open context menu for React Native powered by Reanimated.
- React Native Swipeable Panel - Swipeable, easy to use bottom panel for your React Native projects.
- React Native Sodium JSI - Precompiled binaries of libsodium will be linked by default.
- React Native SHA library - Fast Secure Hash Algorithm solution for React Native with direct C++ bindings.
- React Native Reorderable List - Reorderable list for React Native applications, powered by Reanimated 2.
- React Native SVG - SVG library for React Native, React Native Web, and plain React web projects.
- React Native Turbo Starter
- Multiple entry points for React Native Storybook (2022)
- React Native Turbo Secure Storage - Turbo-module to securely store data, uses Keychain on iOS and KeyStore on Android.
- React Native Media Query - Media queries for react-native and react-native-web.
- React Native Portal - Simplified portal implementation for React Native & Web.
- React Native Virtualized Grid
- React Native Quick WebSQL
- React Native iOS Popover - React native wrapper component to use the native iOS popover by wrapping a react native view inside a UIViewController and presenting it.
- React Native Graph - Beautiful, high-performance Graphs and Charts for React Native.
- React Native Smooth Picker
- React Native Keyboard Controller - Platform agnostic keyboard manager.
- New Relic React Native Module
- React Native Size Matters - Lightweight, zero-dependencies, React-Native utility belt for scaling the size of your apps UI across different sized devices.
- Hermes Profile Transformer - TypeScript tool for converting Hermes Sampling Profiler output to Chrome Dev Tools format.
- Babylon React Native - Build React Native applications with the power of Babylon Native.
- React Native JSI Base Coder - Base64/32/16 encoding/decoding for React Native written in C/C++ and JSI.
- React Native News & Tips Community / Twitter
- Stickyheader.js - Simple React Native library, enabling to create a fully custom header for your iOS and Android apps.
- React Native Apple Authentication
- Legend Motion - Declarative animations library for React Native.
- React Native ESbuild - Fastest bundler for React Native.
- Navigation Router - Scene-Based Navigation for React and React Native.
- React Native at Shopify (2022)
- React Native Apps - Curated List of Open Source React Native Apps.
- Stitches Native - React Native implementation of the popular CSS-in-JS library Stitches.
- render-react-native-to-image - Take a React Native component tree, and render it into an SVG.
- Drawings, gestures, and animations workshop – App.js Conference 2022
- How to build Gmail-like UI with React Native (2022)
- zeego - Beautiful, native menus for React Native + Web, inspired by Radix UI.
- React Navigation Bottom Sheet - Bottom sheet navigator for React Navigation.
- React Native Zephyr - TailwindCSS-inspired styling library for React Native.
- React Native Performance - Performance measurement for your React Native apps.
- React Native 0.69 (2022) (HN) (Tweet)
- Reassure - Performance testing companion for React and React Native.
- FlashList - Fast & performant React Native list. No more blank cells.
- React Native Modalfy - Modal citizen of React Native.
- Is RN even worth it? (2022)
- RN Parallax Travel Cards
- React Native Instagram Page Transition
- Discovering Turbo Modules - Step by step example of creating your own React Native TurboModule.
- React Native Toast
- React Native Quick Crypto - Fast implementation of Node's crypto module.
- React Native AMA - Accessible components and hooks to simplify the building of accessible apps.
- Pedal to the Metal (2022)
- gRPC for react-native
- React Native Check Version - Easy way to check if there's an update available for the current app in the App Store or Google Play.
- RN-Bounceable - Native bounceable effect for any React Native component. Built with Reanimated 2. Compatible with Expo.
- RNN Screens - Predictable Navigation for React Native.
- React Native Permissions - Unified permissions API for React Native on iOS and Android.
- React Native Hero Icons
- React Native Animation Samples - Gesture based interruptible animation samples in React Native.
- Navio - Navigation library for React Native (Expo). Build the app's layout in one place.
- React-Native-Avoid-Soft-Input - Native solution for common React Native problem of focused views being covered by soft input view.
- React Native iOS Context Menu
- Preact-Native - Experimental renderer for preact to work with react-native.
- Rive React Native - React Native runtime library for Rive.
- Rust + React Native
- Open Native - Vendor-unlock React Native. Use React Native native modules with other cross-platform frameworks.
- React Native Three Column Layout
- ReactNative Purchases - In-App Subscriptions Made Easy.
- Portalize - Simplest way to render anything on top of the rest.
- React Native made me give up a project today (2022)
- React Native Use File Upload - Hook for uploading files using multipart form data with React Native.
- Burnt - Cross-platform toasts for React Native, powered by native elements.
- React Native Releases Working Group
- React Native Payments - Accept Payments with Apple Pay and Android Pay using the Payment Request API.
- React Native Database · RxDB
- React Native Simple Toast
- State of React Native survey
- React Native Anchor Point - Achieve better 3D transform animation.
- How to create a truly native experience for your React-Native app (2022)
- React Native Lens UI Kit
- Create React Native Module
- React Native Fiesta - Set of animations ideal for celebration and user engagement.
- Hyperview - Native mobile apps, as easy as creating a website. (HN)
- React Native OpenAI JSX - Use OpenAI to generate functioning React Native components.
- React Native is not the future (2023) (HN)
- React Native Cache - React Native LRU cache build on top of AsyncStorage.
- Tamagui Kitchen Sink - Component library which builds on top of Tamagui.
- React Native Story View - React Native component to show image and video stories.
- React Native Reactions - React Native animated reaction picker component.
- React Native Track Player - Fully fledged audio module created for music apps.
- Showtime Tab View - React Native component that supports a collapsible header and custom refresh control.
- React Native Plaid - Hooks for Plaid open banking on React Native.
- React Native QR Code SVG
- Hyperview - Server-driven mobile apps with React Native.
- React Native Code Push - Easily add a dynamic update experience to your React Native app(s).
- React Native TV Example - React Native app that compiles for iOS, Android, tvOS & AndroidTV.
- React Native Click Outside - React Native library to detect clicks outside the component.
- Universal Tooltip - Cross-platform Tooltip component for React Native.
- React Native In App Review
- Chain React - React Native conference.
- FluentUI React Native - React-native component library that implements the Fluent Design System.
- React Modal Sheet - Flexible bottom sheet component for your React apps.
- react-native-webassembly - Enables WebAssembly for React Native powered by C++ TurboModules and Wasm3.
- rn-mdx - Show MDX content in React-Native. Expo compatible.
- React Native iAP - Module for In App Purchase.
- Structure and Interpretation of React Native (2023)
- React Native Template Obytes
- React Native Toolkit Nix - Combine React Native with Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile (KMM).
- Remotion in React Native
- VariableBlurView for React Native
- App.js Conf 2023
- React Native Passkey
- Ask HN: React Native or Flutter for a new app in 2023?
- React Audio Recorder - Audio recording helper for React. Provides a component and a hook to help with audio recording.
- Refine Native - Build mobile and web apps 3x faster using refine and React native.
- Building smooth Shared Element Transitions in React Native (2023)
- React Native - Library for accessing an ArrayBuffer of a Blob instance.
- React Native Video - Video component for react native.
- React Native Rich Editor
- What do you wish you could learn from a React Native Pro? (2023)
- React Native Heroicons
- Make or port your SDK to react native (2023)
- Ask HN: Please provide your opinion on the state of React Native in 2023
- Pinar - Customizable, lightweight React Native carousel component with accessibility support.
- Step by step guide on using Rust on React Native (2023) (Doc)
- React Views - Utility wrapper for React Native which makes it easier to work with web.
- React Native Design Mode - Simplify Creating Views.
- Jest Native - Custom jest matchers to test the state of React Native.
- React Native Bootslpash - Show a splash screen during app startup. Hide it when you are ready.
- jsi-rs - Write ultra fast React Native modules in Rust.
- React Native TensorFlow Lite - High-performance TensorFlow Lite library for React Native with GPU acceleration.
- React Native Vector Icons
- react-native-worklets-core - Worklet runner for React Native.
- expo-ahap - React Native module for loading and interacting with Apple ahap files.
- Flame AI - CLI for Interactive AI-Powered React Native Upgrades.